Dr. Aniruddha Dayama
15 years of experience
About Dr. Aniruddha Dayama
Dr. Aniruddha Dayama in 2015 led the efforts to get NMDP, USA approval for one of the leading hospitals in Gurgaon. He and his team have popularised autologous transplants in multiple sclerosis. The team has been credited for establishing six low cost centres across North India namely at Sarvodaya hospital, Batra hospital, Action Balaji hospital etc. His expertise is in integrated haematology – benign and malignant with combined paediatric and adult services.
Dr. Aniruddha Dayama’s Speciality
Bone Marrow Transplantation
Autologous Transplant
Allogenic Transplant
Blood Cancer Treatment
Haplo Transplants (Half Matched Transplants
Unrelated (Full Matched Bone maroow Transplants)