Dr Attawar Sandeep
Founder Director & Chair of Advanced Heart Failure, Terminal Lung Disease &The Solid Thoracic Organ Transplant Program, KIMS Institute of Heart, Lung Transplantation & Assist Devices.
Dr Sandeep Attawar is the Chair & Director of Thoracic organ transplants and Assist devices at KIMS Institute for Heart & Lung transplantation. He was born and spent his formative years in Ahmedabad, did his medical schooling and specialized in General surgery at the Sheth KM school of PG medicine. He further specialized in Cardiac surgery at the Sri ChitraThirunalinstitute, Trivandrum.
He subsequently worked atthe Manipal heart foundation and Narayana Hrudayalaya. Since 2001 he specializes in setting up greenfield heart surgical services.He has since 2011 expanded this repertoire to Thoracic organ transplantation and mechanical circulatory support .
He now focuses, solely on a top down realignment of pre-existing cardiac and respiratory services into heart and lung transplant centers. He has done the same for Gleneagles Global hospitals at Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Bombay over the past 3 years, before he moved down as the Founding Director of the Solid thoracic organ TX program at KIMS Hospitals .His team have performed close to 450+ thoracic organ transplants (of which 290 were Double lung transplants, 110 Heart transplants & 51 Combine Heart & Lung transplants) in this period , with over 28 left ventricular assist device implants.
In addition, Dr.Attawar is also an active member in international cardiothoracic forums such as the International society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT), Society of Thoracic surgeons (STS ) and the European association of cardio-thoracic surgery ( EACTS ).
He is on the international panel of 24 experts to form the consensus guidelines for Lung Transplantations at the ISHLT this year.These guidelines aretheLung transplant Bible for over 250 hospitals all across the Globe that pursue the science of Lung transplantation.
He is also a contributor for the textbook of ‘’ Transplantations & Mechanical Circulatory Support for end stage Lung and Heart disease’’ Published by Wiley Publishing due for release next year.
He has had work published in leading journals such as the Annals of Thoracic Surgery (ATS), and regularly contributes to papers and presentations delivered across the world. He is a scientific advisor for Reliant Heart and is involved in advancing the field of mechanically assisted circulation or Long term Ventricular assist devices (LVAD).He is also on the editorial board of the Journal of Thoracic disease. Dr.Attawar is currently the proctor for JARVIK HEART and Heart Mate III in India and South East Asia.
Dr.SandeepAttawar is a firm believer in universal access to quality care and outcomes in heart and lung transplants,striving to provide the highest quality of care to patients at his institution. Dr.Attawar’s wife is a pediatrician and his son is pursuing his Masters in Public relations and communication at the NYU school of Business studies. Dr.Attawar’s interests are European history, study of western classical music.