Dr. Nandkishore Kapadia
MBBS, MS(Surgery), MCh(Cardiothoracic Surgery), FIACTS, FSTS, FACC, FISC, FCCP, MISHLT(USA) , PhD( VGUBI), FEACVI, MATCSA, Fellowship and Board USA,France
• DEPARTMENT: Cardiac Sciences, Transplant/Heart & Lung Transplant Service
• GENDER: Male
• LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil, Urdu, Marathi, English, French
Total Arterial Coronary Bypass Surgery , Key Hole ASD , VSD closure, Video Assisted Mitral and Aortic Valve Repair, ECMO /VAD /Artificial Heart Implantation, Heart Transplantation, Lung Transplantation
CABG, Heart & Lung Transplant, Minimal access cardiac procedures, ECMO and VAD implantation, Management of Heart Failure, Cardiac Sciences, Coronary Artery Bypass , Valve Repair , Minimally Access Video-Assisted Key Hole Surgery Services ( Coronary Bypass Surgery , Minimally Access Vedeo-Assisted Key Hole closure of Hole in Heart (ASD, VSD) ,Minimally Access Video-Assisted Key Hole (Mitral and Aortic Valve Repair) Key Hole Minimally Access hybrid Procedures for Aortic Aneurysms and Aortic Dissection , Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) / Artificial Heart / Ventricular Assist Devices (VAD , RVAD) , Heart Failure Solutions and Advanced Therapy , Heart & Lung Transplant Service
CABG, Heart & Lung Transplant, Minimal access cardiac procedures, ECMO and VAD implantation, Management of Heart Failure
o Adult and Paediatric Heart Transplant at Regional Medical College Hospital (CHU) Caen France
o Salpitrier, Marry le langue Hospital Paris
o Allegheny University affiliated St. Christopher's Hospital, Allegheny University, Jefferson University Hospital Philadelphia, USA
Awareds :
• Best Surgeon Award by Mayor of Paris France 1992
• Best Cardiac Surgeon Award by Mayor of Philadelphia USA 1996
• Best Adult Cardiac Surgeon Award by National Institute of Education and Research Delhi 2016
• Star Doctor Award by Mumbai Club Mumbai 2019
• Creative Doctor Award
Dr Nandkishore Kapadia has over 28 yrs of experience in Cardiac surgery with over 12000 CABG and 6000+ other open heart procedures, 500+ minimally access cardiac procedures and 200+ Heart and Lung Transplants, 160+ ECMO and VAD implantation.
He brought first LVAD (Heart mate II ) to India , patient is long term survivor. Dr. Kapadia has done his Post MCh training from Paris & USA, and is Diplomat in French Board of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Special Fellowship - Adult and Paediatric Heart Transplant at Regional Medical College Hospital (CHU) Caen France, Salpitrier, Marry Le langue Hospital Paris and Allegheny University affiliated St. Christopher's Hospital, Allegheny University, Jefferson University Hospital Philadelphia, USA.
His past associations have been with University Hospital, Caen France as Director of Heart Transplant Programme, Head of unit At BM Birla heart research centre, Kolkata, Director with Indo-American Heart Centre, Indore and Kolkata. Full time surgeon with Dr. L.H. Hirandani Hospital, Powai, Head of the department with Fortis, Chennai, and Senior Consultant and Head Department cardiac surgery both Adult and Paediatric Unit at Global Healthcity and Hospital Chennai from where he came and joined as Director of Heart and lung Transplant Programme & Head Adult Cardiac Surgery.
After he joined as Director of Adult Cardiac Surgery and Heart and Lung Transplant Programme at KDAH. He initiated Management of Advanced Heart Failure through development of Heart failure Clinic, ECMO as advance life support, Heart Transplant , Advance management of Respiratory Failure with RECMO , Key Hole Beating Heart CABG, Key Hole Valve Repair , Key hole closure of Heart defects.
He was first in India to do intramyocardial Stem cell therapy in year 2007 and has initiated same at KDAH. Hybrid Endovascular Procedures are life saving for certain types of Dissecting Aneurysm of Aorta, he has done some of the most difficult and challenging hybrid Endovascular Procedures for same with international standard success rate.
Professional Milestones :
He has published many articles on both Paediatric and Adult Heart Surgery.
His landmark articles in prestigious Annals of Thoracic Surgery on Minimally access Cardiac Surgery has changed the management of some the congenital Heart surgery and CABG. His modified techniques of Aortic root enlargement was presented at Chicago in ACCP conference and published in Chest and is well accepted as nouvelle technique.
While at BM Birla and developed a large volume Beating heart CABG and minimal access cardiac surgical programme. He helped Institution to get affiliated to Cleveland Clinic Foundation in 2002. With Fortis, Chennai, Dr Kapadia developed a large volume ECMO, VAD and Heart Transplant Programme. As a Member of Advisory board on Organ Sharing network, Chennai, Dr Kapadia played an active role in bringing Chennai on world map for Heart and Lung Transplant. His Tenure at Global Hospital from April 2013 till February 2015 was marked by a large number of successful Heart and Lung transplants, implantation of VAD and an active ECMO unit.
• Indian Medical Association
• Honorary life member of prestigious Cardiological Society of India.
• Indian Society of Cardiology
• Indian Association of cardiothoracic Surgeons
• Fellow of American Society of Thoracic Surgeons
• American College of Chest Physicians
• American College of Cardiology
• Australasian Society of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons
• Pan-African Society of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgeons.
• National Institute of Education and Research
• Zonal Transplant Co-ordination Centre Mumbai
• Regional Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation (ROTTO)
• State Organ and Transplant Organization (SOTTO)
• Indian National Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation
• International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation
• Asian Society of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery
• Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Asia
• European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging
Honorary Professor of Biotechnology at Indian Institute of Technology, Vinayaka University, MGR and Anna University, Chennai. National University of Burundi Africa,Visiting Faculty at Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. PhD Guide in IIT- Chennai, Anna University, Chennai.
Currently conducting 3 projects in Temple University, Philadelphia, USA and IIT- Chennai funded by prestigious NIH and DRDO. He has devised many new techniques and hybrid cardiac procedures, Stem cell culture in modified microgravity, and modified Immuno-suppression protocols to suit Indian heart and Lung transplant recipients. He has published several papers in National and International journals.
Dr Nandkishore Kapadia is awarded Honorary Doctorate (PhD) by Victoria Global University of British Island and Excellence in Cardiac Surgery. The same was presented by Minister of State social affairs, Mr Athavale in New Delhi at India International Centre. This Prestigious award was started by NIER Delhi and supported by many media barons and big Industry houses. He was the only Cardiac Surgeon from Western India, Mumbai and Rest of India
Recently awarded Star Cardiac Surgeon Award by Mumbai Global Club Mumbai India and Best Innovation in Cardiac Surgery Award by International Glory Awards at Goa India.
Dr. Kapadia has also been awarded Prestigious Mayor choix de Chirurgien by Mayor of Paris, Honorary fellowship by French Society of cardiothoracic Surgery, Special award by Mayor of Philadelphia, USA for contributing to development of social networking through Gift of Life International Philadelphia for increasing Organ donation awareness and utilization.
He has contributed immensely towards development of large volume Heart Transplant Programme at Fortis Chennai and Heart and Lung Transplant Programme at Global Hospital Chennai. He was key to initiate a large volume Paediatric Govt funded Programme at Corporate Hospital in Tamil Nadu known as TNCM scheme covering all citizens in Tamilnadu.
He introduced first Green Corridor for Heart Transplant in Chennai , the very first in India. He did first landmark intra-myocardial Stem cell Therapy for Heart failure, the concept is now approved by US FDA. His project on Stem cell growth under Microgravity created a new concept for improved culture results, protocol was funded by DRDO Govt of India, Temple University Philadelphia USA.
Genome Wide Expression Profiling of Cancer Cell Lines Cultured in Microgravity Reveals Significant Dysregulation of Cell Cycle and MicroRNA Gene Networks, published in prestigious USA Journal Plos in 2015 , will change Future concent of Treating Advanced Cancer. Further work is going on in this regard at IIT Chennai.
He is currently developing technique for implantation of mini-Transport ECMO. He has several national and International Presentations and Publications. He is visiting Professor to many European , USA , African and Asian Universities .