Dr. Sandeep Guleria
MBBS , MS(Gen. Surgery) , DNB , FRCS(Edinburgh) , FRCS(England) , FRCS(Glas) , DNBE(Gen. Surgery) , PLAB , MNAMS
Renal Transplant Surgeon
33 Yrs+ Experience
An award-winning Surgeon with specialisation in Gastrointestinal Surgery and Kidney Transplants. Dr. Guleria is credited with having done the first two successful kidney pancreas transplant in the subcontinent. Dr. Guleria was invited by the Government of Nepal to set up a live donor transplant program at the Bir hospital in Kathmandu. He has mentored renal transplant programs in Almaty, Dehradun, Ludhiana and Guwahati.
• 1986 1988 Junior Residet, Deptt. Of Surgery All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 110029
• Prof . Dhawan Dr. Khazanchi 1989 1992 Senior Resident, Deptt of Surgery, India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 11029.
• Dr. Mehta Dr. Khazanchi 1992 Nov. 1992 S.H.O., Urology and Transplantation , Royal Free Hospital, London NW3 Mr.O.N. Fernandoa
• Mr. R.J. Morgan 1992 1993 Clinical And Research Fellow, (Registrar) Academic Unit of Surgery, St. James’s University Hospital Leeds LS9 7TF Mr. J.P.A. Lodge Mr. S.A. Sadek 1994 1997
• Assistant Professor & Consultant Surgeon, Department of Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 110029 1997 1998
• Senior Fellow, (Senior Registrar) Deptt. Of Organ Transplantation, St. James’s University Hospital, Leeds , U.K. Mr. J.P.A. Lodge
• Mr . S.G.Pollard 1998 2002 Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 110029 2002 -2003
• Consultant Surgeon Organ Transplantation and Surgery St. James’s University Hospital, Leeds, U.K. 2004 2008
• Additional Professor Department of Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 110029 2008 till 30th June 2011
• Professor, Department of Surgery India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 110029 1st July 2011 till date
• Senior Fellow, (Senior Registrar) Deptt. Of Organ Transplantation, St. James’s University Hospital, Leeds , U.K.
• Working in Apollo Hospitals since last Assignment.
Professional Membership :
• Association Of Surgeons Of India (11947)
• Indian Society of Nephrology
• Indian Society of Emergency Services Delhi Nephrology Society
• Association of Minimal Invasive surgeons of India
• Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
• Royal College of Surgeons of England
• Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
• Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
• India Hernia Society Society of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgeons of India (SELSI)
• Member: Transplantation Society
• Life Member:Indian Society of Organ Transplantation
• Indian Society of Emergency Services
• Delhi Nephrology Society
• Smt. Rukmani Gopalkrishnan Award for standing FIRST in SURGERY
• Award for standing THIRD in MEDICINE 3. University College Of Medical Sciences, Distinguished Alumni Award 1996
• Awarded the “Luminary Award”by the IMA South Delhi Branch in Delhi In recognition of his “Outstanding contribution rendered to the medical profession and the community” 2007 5.
• Awarded Exemplary Contribution Award by Indian Medical Association 2008 6.
• Awarded the Himachal Gaurav Himalayan Jagriti Manch 2011 7.
• ATLS Accredited Provider 2011 Identified as Instructor Potential 8. Led the team that did the FIRST two Kidney Pancreas Transplants in India
• Invited by the Government of Nepal to set up the Renal Transplant Program at Bir Hospital, Kathmandu Nepal. I trained the surgical team, did the first two Successful renal transplants in the Bir Hospital. The hospital currently runs a successfull transplant program that I mentor.
• Pioneered Cadaveric Renal Transplantation in New Delhi.
• Introduced the “DONOR CARD” in the city of New Delhi
• Set up the Pediatric Transplant Unit at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences
• Set up the Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomyprogram at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences
1. Led the team that did the FIRST two Kidney Pancreas Transplants in India
2. Invited by the Government of Nepal to set up the Renal Transplant Program at
Bir Hospital, Kathmandu Nepal. I trained the surgical team, did the first two
Successful renal transplants in the Bir Hospital. The hospital currently runs a
successfull transplant program that I mentor.
3. Pioneered Cadaveric Renal Transplantation in New Delhi.
4. Introduced the “DONOR CARD” in the city of New Delhi
5. Set up the Pediatric Transplant Unit at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences
6. Set up the Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy program at the All India Institute of
Medical Sciences
7. Set up the Renal Transplant Program at RML Hospital.
a) Journals :
1. Guleria S., Aron M., Sinha S. “Vascular access Surgery : a simplified technique for the creation of AV fistulae using surgical glove cuffs” Indian Journal Of Urology 1995 Vol. II:2: 90
2. Guleria S., Sinha S., Dorairajan LN, Khazanchi RK.,Saxena S., Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC “ Spontaneous Renal Allograft Rupture : Still a threat ’’ Nephron 1995 :70: 385-386
3. Mitttal R., Saxena S., Guleria S., Mittal S.,Agarwal SK., Tiwari SC.,Dash SC., “Visceral Leishmaniasis : A rare cause of unexplained pyrexia in a renal allograft recipient ” Nephron1995: 70: 123-124.
4. Agarwal SK., Dash SC., Tiwari SC., Saxena S., Mehta SN., Guleria S., Dwivedi SN., Mehra NK., “ Results of conversion from triple drug therapy to double drug therapy in live related renal transplantation ” Transplantation 1995 :59:1: 27-31
5. Bakshi S., Nandi D., Guleria S., “ Cadaver Renal Transplant – Our experience with relatives” National Medical Journal Of India 1994: 3:7:232
6. Rao PN., Mehta SN., Guleria S., Bhardwaj M., Saxena S., Khazanchi RK., Agarwal SK., Tiwari SC., Dash SC. “Quality of life in live related renal allograft recipients in India ’’ National Medical Journal Of India 1996: 9:3:118-119
7. Khazanchi RK., Rakshit R., Bal CS., Guleria S., Sinha S., Srivastava A. “ Evaluation of lymphatic drainage in free flaps by lymphoscintography a preliminary study.” British journal of Plastic Surgery 1996 :49 : 123-128
8. Sharma S., Thatani D., Saxena A., Shyam S., Guleria S., Rajani M., “ Renovascular hypertension resulting from non specific Aortoarteritis in children, midterm results of percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty and predictors of restenosis” American Journal of Roentology1996: 166:157-162
9. Guleria S., Dorairajan LN.,Sinha S., Khazanchi RK.,Bal S.,Guleria R. “ Spontaneous rupture of the spleen in viral hepatitis A.” Indian Journal of Gastroenterology1996:15:30
10. Saxena S., Dash SC., Guleria S., Tiwari SC., Agarwal SK., “ Post transplant Diabetes Mellitus in live related renal allograft recipients: a single centre experience” Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. July 96; (44) 472-479.
11. Dinda AK.,Saxena S.,Guleria S., SC Tiwari, Dash SC.,Srivastava RN., Singh C. “Diagnosis of glomerular haematuria; Role of dysmorphic red cells, GI cells and bright field microscopy” Scandivian Journal of clinical and laboratory Investigation !997 :57:203-208.
12. Guleria S., Agarwal S., Khazanchi RK.,Sharma S., “ The Meandering collateral An alternative for renal revascularisation. British journal of Urology: 1998:81:324-325
13. Guleria S. “Technology and Equipment for renal transplantation ’’ Journal of the Academy of Hospital Administration. 1996:8:2: 15-17
14. Kumar A., Guleria S., Khazanchi RK.,Mehta SN. “ Tetracycline sclerotherapy in the treatment of primary Hydrocele” Indian Journal of Urology 1997: 14:1:12-15.
15. Guleria S., Agarwal S.,Khazanchi RK.,Agarwal SK.,Tiwari SC.,Dash SC. “The double J stent : its impact on the urological complications in live related renal transplantation” Indian Journal of Urology . 1998:14:2:101-104.
16. Dinda AK.,Mathur M.,Guleria S.,Saxena S.,Tiwari SC., Dash SC. “Heat shock proteins expresssion and proliferation in end stage renal disease with and without haemodialysis.” Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation .1998:13:99-105
17. Guleria S.,Seth A.,Dinda AK.,Kumar R.,Chabbra RPS., Agarwal SK., Tiwari SC.,Dash SC. “ Ureteric Aspergilloma as the cause of ureteric obstruction in a renal transplant recipient” Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation .1998:13:792-799
18. Guleria S.,Ahmad N.,Pollard SG.,Newstead CG.,Lodge JPA. “ Transplant renal artery aneurysm following a venous patch repair of a traction injury to the renal artery” Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation. 1998:13: 1577- 1578.
19. Khazanchi RK.,Nanda V.,Kumar R,Garg P.,Guleria S.,Bal S “ Omentum Autotransplantation in Thromboangitis Obliterans Report of three case.” Surgery today (Japanese Journal of Surgery ) 1999: 29
20. Sharma S.,Gupta H.,Saxena A.,Kothari SS.,Taneja K.,Guleria S.,Rajani M “ Results of renal angioplasty in non specific aortoarteritis ’’. J Vasc Interv Radiology 1998:9:3:429-435.
21. Bhowmik D.,Dash SC.,Tiwari SC.,Agarwal SK.,Gupta S.,Guleria S.,Mehta SN “Spousal renal donor transplants in India” Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation 1999:14:2052-2053.
22. Aggarwal S., Guleria S “ Retained Intra-Abdominal drain : A Nine year Journey”
Journal Of the Association of Physicians of India (JAPI ) 2000.48:262-63.
23. Juneja R., Krishnamani NC., Kothari SS., Guleria S., Mahawar RM.,
“ Phaeochromocytoma and congenital Cyanotic heart Disease ” .Indian Heart Journal 2000, 52:4: 452-55.
24. Agarwal SK., Dash SC.,Irshad M., Gupta S., Bhowmik D.,Tiwari SC., Guleria S.,
Mehra SN. “ Impact of Hepatitis C virus infection on Renal transplant outcome in India- a Single Centre Study. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India
( JAPI) 2000:48:1155- 1160.
25. Aggarwal S, Guleria S, Hussain T “Tuberculosis of Common bile duct : a rare cause
of biliary stricture” Tropical Gastroenterology 2001;22:28-29.
26 .Guleria S., Khazanchi RK,Dhawan IK.,Srivastavs LM. “Serum LDH and its
isoenzymes in oral cancer” Journal of basic and applied biomedicine 1994 :4
27 .Jayaraj ,Srivastava D.,Saxena S.,Guleria S., Dash SC.,Agarwal SK.,Tiwari SC.
“ Dupleix doppler in evaluating renal graft dysfunction” Indian Journal Of
Nephrology 1994:4:3: 12
28. Guleria S. “ Cadaveric Renal Transplant the A.I.I.M.S.”Indian Medical Tribune
29. Khazanchi RK.,Pal S.,Mital D.,Gupta K.,Guleria S.,Nanda V. “ Role of Vitamin E in
ischemic skin flap survival in rats.” Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery1996:28:33-36
30.Saxena S,Guleria S,Dash SC, Tiwari SC, Agarwal SK,Khazanchi RK “ Outcome of
varicella zoster infection in renal transplant recpients”Indian Journal Of
NephrologyVol 6:3:119
31. Saxena S,Dash SC,Guleria S,Tiwari SC,Bhowmik D,Agarwal SK. “Live donor renal
transplantation in Alports syndrome” Indian Journal of Nephrology
32.Dinda AK, Singh C, Aggarwal SK, Guleria S, Tiwari SC, Dash SC, Bagga A
“Diagnosis of Glomerular Haematuria by Image cytometry of Urinary Red Cells.”
Nephron 2001;88:93-94.
33. Aggarwal SK,Dash SC,Gupta S,Bhowmik D, Tiwari SC,Guleria S,Mehta SN
“Routine upper GI tract evaluation : is it a must in all patients” Nephron
34. Aggarwal S, Guleria S, Dinda AK, Kumar L,Tarique S, Embryonal Cell Sarcoma Of
the Liver mimicking a hydatid cyst in an adult.:Tropical Gastroenterology 2001 Jul-
Sep ; 22(3):141-2
35. Batra RK, Guleria S., Mandol S “Unusual complication of IJV cannulation” Indian
Journal of Chest Diseases Allied Science 2002: 50 : 532-6
36. Agarwal SK,Dash SC,Mehta SN,Gupta S,Bhowmik D,Tiwari SC, Guleria S “Results
renal transplantationon conventional imunosuppression in second decade in India : a
single centre experience.” Journal of Association of Physicians of India 2002;50:
37. Gupta S,Dash SC,Sharma S,Agarwal SK,Bhowmik D,Wani M,Ramasetu R,Tiwari
SC,Guleria S, “Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia:role of high resolution computed
Tomography” .” Journal of Association of Physicians of India 2002;50(5)726-8
38. Panigrahi A, Agarwal SK, Kanga U,Guleria S.,Bhowmik D, Dash SC,Gupta S,
Tiwari SC,Mehta SN,Mehra NK “Influence of HLA compatibility on renal graft survival using live unrelated and cadaver donors in India. Indian Journal of Medical Research 2002;115:158-164
39. Deka R, Panigrahi A, Agarwal SK, ,Guleria S., , Dash SC, ,Mehta SN,Pandey RM
Mehra NK “Influence of pretransplant panel reactive antibodies on the post
Transplant sensitization status”.Transplantation Proc.2002;34(8):3082-3
40. Hafeez A,Guleria S “An inexpensive technique of making Barron bands for ligation
of Haemorrhoids.”Natl Med J India.2002;15(5):297
41. Reddy AV, Guleria S.,Khazanchi RK, Bhardwaj M,Aggarwal S “Attitude of
patients, the public, doctors and nurses towards organ donation” Transplantation
Proc.2002 ;35(1):18
42. Bhowmik D, Dash SC, Guleria S, Panigrahi A., Gupta S, Agarwal S,Tiwari SC,
Mehta SN, Mehra NK. “Spousal renal transplants:implications in developing
countries” Transplantation Proc.2002 ;35(1):26-27.
43. Guleria S “Is minimally invasive donor nephrectomy the future”
Transplantation Proc.2002 ;35(1):37-38
44. Guleria S.,AggarwalS.,Mandal S.,Singh S.,Singh P.,Mehta SN, Aggarwal
SK,Bhowmik D,Gupta S.,Tiwari SC,Dash SC “The mini-donor nephrectomy:
A viable option” Transplantation Proc.2002 ;35(1):39-40
45. Guleria S., Mehta SN,Mandal S,AggarwalS., Gupta S, Bhowmik D,Aggarwal
SK,Tiwari SC “Povidone Iodine in the treatment of lymphatic fistulae in renal
transplant recpients. Transplantation Proc.2002 ;35(1):327-328
46. Guleria S.,Khazanchi RK,Dinda AK,Aggarwal s.,Gupta S.,Bhowmik D.,Aggarwal
SK,Tiwari SC,DashSC,Mandal S. “Spontaneous Renal Allograft rupture:Is graft
Nephrectomy an option” Transplantation Proc.2002 ;35(1):339.
47. Basak U.,Mitra DK,PanigrahiA.,Guleria S.,Agarwal S,Mehta SN,Dash SC,Mehra
NK. “Clinical Relevance of monitoring cytokine production following living donor renal transplantation.” Transplantation Proc.2002 ;35(1):404-406.
48. Dasan JB,Kumar R.,Tripathi M.,Imlitemsu, Guleria S.,ChoudharyS.,Srinivasan A.
“ Spontaneously resolving lymphocele demonstrated on serial dynamic scintigraphy.
Clin. Nucl.Med.2002.27(12):907-908
49. Narreddy SR,Guleria S.,Agarwal S.,Svr CM, Mandal S. “Recurrent abscess at site of
laparoscopic cholecystectomy due to spilled gall stones. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2001:20(4):161
50. Kumar R, Bharathi Dasan J, Choudhary S, Guleria S, Padhy AK, Malhotra AK
“Scintigraphic patterns of lymphocele in post- renal transplant” Nucl. Med Commun.
2003 May : 24 (5): 531-5.
51. Aggarwall S, Haldar S.,Kumar A.,Kumar S, Guleria S,Dawar R. “ Primary
Malignant Histiocytoma of the greater omentum” Trop. Gastroenterology 2002 Oct-
Dec; 23(4):193-4
52. Chahal R, Madaan S., Guleria S., Lodge JP, Spencer JA. “A complex caliceal
cutaneous and caliceal peritoneal fistula in a renal transplant patient : a case for
conservative management” Int. Urol. Nephrol. 2004 ;36(2):245-247
53.Miah M.,Madaan S.,Kessel DJ.,Newstead CG.,Guleria S. “ Transplant Renal artery
kinking : a rare cause of early graft dysfunction”Nephrol. Dial Transplant. 2004
54.Iqbal M.,Aggarwal S.,Kumar R.,Garg PK, Bandhu S.,Kumar A.Parshad R.,Guleria S.
“The role of 99mcTc mebofrenin hepatobiliary scanning in predicting common bile
duct stones in patients with gall stone disease” Nucl. Med. Commun. 2004 Mar;25
55. Guleria S., Aggarwal S., Bansal VK, Varma MC, Kashyap L., Tandon N.,Mahajan
S.,Bhowmik D., Agarwal SK, Mehra NK, Misra MC. “ The first successfull
simultaneous Kidney Pancreas Transplant in India” Natl. Med J India 2005 Jan – Feb
; 18 (1) : 18-19.
56. Guleria S., Aggarwal RK, Guleria R., Bhowmik D., Agarwal SK, Tiwari SC. “ The
effect of renal transplantation on pulmonary function and respiratory muscle strength
in patients with end stage renal disease.”Transplant Proc. 2005 Mar,37 (2):1054-6
57. Guleria S., Chahal R., Madaan S.,Irving HC,Newstead CG , Pollard SG, Lodge JP
“ Ureteric Complications of renal transplantation the impact of the double J stent and
the anterior extravesical ureteroneocystostomy” Transplant Proc. 2005 Mar,37
58. Guleria S., Aggarwal S., Bansal VK, Varma MC, Kashyap L., Tandon N.
Mahajan S.,Bhowmik D., Agarwal SK, Mehra NK, Misra MC “ Simultaneous
Kidney Pancreas Transplantation for Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus in
India” Indian Journal of Transplantation 1, (1) 16-18.
59.Mahajan S.,Mukhiya GK,Singh R, Tiwari SC, Kalra V, Guleria S,Aggarwal
SK,Bhowmik D.,Gupta S.,Dash SC. “ Assessing suitability for renal donation :
can equations predicting glomerular filteration rate substitute for a reference
method in the Indian population ?”Nephron Clin Pract 2005;101(3):c128-3 60.Vikrant S.,Agarwal SK,Gupta S.,Bhowmik D.,Tiwari SC, Dash SC, Guleria S.,
Mehta SN. “ Prospective Randomised control trial of isoniazid
chemoprophylaxis during renal replacement therapy Transpl. Infect. Dis. 2005
Sep-Dec ; 7 (3-4) 99-108
61. Panigrahi A, Deka RM, Bhowmik D,Dash SC, Tiwari SC, Guleria S, Mehra NK
“ Functional Assessment of immune markers of graft rejection: a comphrensive
study in live related renal transplantation” Clin. Transpl 2006 Jan –Feb ;20(1) 85-
62: Misra MC,Guleria S. “Management of cancer gallbladder found as a surprise on a
Resected gallbladder specimen. J Surg Oncol 2006Jun 15;93 (8): 690-8
63. Aggarwall S, Guleria S, Misra C,Goswami R, Seth A, Kumar S. “Transperitoneal
transmesocolic approach for laparascopic excision of an extra-adrenal
phaeochromocytoma. J laparoscopic Adv Surg Tech A 2006 Jun;16(3):261-3
64.Varma M,Guleria S, Gupta S, Dinda AK,Agarwal SK, Mahajan S,Bhowmik D.,Tiwari
SC, Dash SC. “Significance of protocol biopsies in living related renal transplant
recipients in India” Transplant. Proc. 2006 Sep:38(7):2016-7
65. Guleria S, Kamboj M, Sharma M, Chatterjee A,Dinda AK,Mahajan S, Gupta S,
Bhowmik D, Aggarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC “ Tacrolimus (Pan Graf) as denovo
therapy in renal transplant recipients in India” Transplant Proc. 2006 Sep:38 (7):
67. Guleria S, Kamboj M, Sharma M, Chatterjee A,Dinda AK,Chaudhary AK,Mahajan
S, Gupta S, Bhowmik D, Aggarwal SK, Tiwari SC, Dash SC “ Tacrolimus (Pan Graf)
in live related renal transplantation : an initial experience of 101 recipients in India”
Transplant Proc. 2007 Apr:39 (3) :747-9.
68. Nayak B,Guleria S,Varma M,Tandon N,Aggarwal S,Bhowmick D, Agarwal
SK,Mahajan S, Gupta S,Tiwari SC. “ Effect of biophosphonates on bone mineral
density after renal transplantation as assessed by bone mineral densitometry”
Transplant Proc. 2007 Apr:39 (3) :750-2.
69. Panigrahi A,Gupta N,Siddiqui JA,Bhowmik D,Guleria S,Mehra NK. “ Monitoring of
anti- HLA and anti-Major histocompatibility complex class I related chain A
antibodies in living related renal donor transplantation. Transplant Proc. 2007
Apr:39 (3) :759-60.
70. Panigrahi A,Gupta N,Siddiqui JA,Margoob A,Bhowmik D,Guleria S,Mehra NK.
“Post transplant development of MICA and anti-HLA antibodies is associated with
acute rejection episodes and renal allograft loss” Hum Immunol. 2007 May; 68 (5):
71.Bhowmik D,Dinda AK,Xess I,Sethuraman G,Mahajan S,Gupta S,Agarwal
SK,Guleria S,Tiwari SC. “ Fungal panniculitis in renal transplant recipients” Transpl.
Infect. Dis 2008 Jul ;10 (4):286-9
72.Gupta R,Sharma MC,Attri S,Guleria S. “Testicular metastasis of extraskeletal myxoid
chondrosarcoma:report of a first case” Urology 2008 : May 71 (5):984
73. Yadav R,Mehta SN,Kumar A, Guleria S,Seenu V, Tiwari SC. “A prospective
analysis of testicular androgenic function in recipients of a renal allograft” Int. Urol.
Nephrol. 2008:40;(2):397-403
74.Panigrahi A,Siddiqui JA,Rai A,Margoob A,Khaira A, Bhowmik D,Tiwari SC, Guleria
S, Mehra NK. “Allosensitization to HLA and MICA is an important measure of renal
graft outcome” Clin. Transpl. 2007 :211-7
75.Arora R,Sharma A,Bhowate P,Bansal VK,Guleria S,Dinda AK. “ Hepatic
tuberculosis mimicking a klatskin tumor : a diagnostic dilemma” Indian J Pathol.
Microbiol 2008 Jul- Sep; 51(3): 382-5
76. Guleria S,Jain S,Dinda AK,Mahajan S,Gupta S,Bhowmik D,Aggarwall S,Tiwari
SC,Panigrahi A, Mehra NK. “Are protocol biopsies indicated in a live related renal
transplant program” Transplantation July 27,2008 Vol 86 2S (abstract)
77. Panigrahi A,Shidhiki J, Margoob D,Bhowmik D,Tiwari SC, Guleria S, Mehra NK
“ Neutrophil Gelatinase associated lipocalin (NGAL)as a biomarker to predict Acute
tubular necrosis(ATN) in renal transplant allografts” Transplantation July 27,2008
Vol 86 2S (abstract)
78. Guleria S, Kumar R,Reddy S,Jain S,Aggarwall S, Mahajan S, Gupta S,Bhowmik
D,Aggarwall S,Tiwari SC. “Is laparoscopic donor nephrectomy really the way ahead”
Transplantation July 27,2008 Vol 86 2S (abstract)
79. Misra MC, Aggarwall S, Guleria S,Seenu V,Bhalla AP. “ Clipless and sutureless
Surgery for adrenal and extra-adrenal tumors.” JSLS 2008 Jul-Sep:12(3):252-5
80. Guleria S, Kamboj M, Chatterjee A, Sharma M,Awasthy V,Dinda AK,Mahajan
S, Gupta S, Bhowmik D, Aggarwal SK, Tiwari SC “ Generic Tacrolimus (Pan Graf)
in renal transplantation : an experience of 155 recipients in India”
Transplant Proc. 2008 Sep:40 (7) :2237-9
81. Sharma A,Jain S,Gupta R,Banerjee KG,GuleriaS,Agarwal SK,Dinda AK.
“ Ultrastructural alterations in endothelial mitochondria are associated with enhanced
nitrosyines accumulation and progressive reductionof VGEF expression in sequential
protocol renal allograft biopsieswith calceneurin inhibitor toxicity” Transpl
Intl.2009 Nov 13.
82. Guleria S. “ Point-Counter Point : Mini-donor Nephrectomy: A viable and effective
Alternative. Indian Journal of Urology Jan-March 2010 (26)
83. Clinical relevance of curcumin-induced immunosuppression in living-related donor renal transplant: an in vitro analysis. : Bharti AC, Panigrahi A, Sharma PK, Gupta N, Kumar R, Shukla S, Bhowmik DM, Agarwal SK, Guleria S, Mehra NK. Exp Clin Transplant. 2010 Jun;8(2):161-71
84. Tuberculosis of the thyroid presenting as multinodular goiter with hypothyroidism: a rare presentation. Chaudhary A, Nayak B, Guleria S, Arora R, Gupta R, Sharma MC.Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2010 Jul-Sep;53(3):579-81
85. Outcome of pediatric renal transplantation in north India. Sinha A, Hari P, Guleria S, Gulati A, Dinda AK, Mehra NK, Srivastava RN, Bagga A.Pediatr Transplant. 2010 Nov;14(7):836-43
86. A prospective randomized study comparing suture mesh fixation versus tacker mesh fixation for laparoscopic repair of incisional and ventral hernias. Bansal VK, Misra MC, Kumar S, Keerthi Rao Y, Singhal P, Goswami A, Guleria S, Arora MK, Chabra A.Surg Endosc. 2011 May;25(5):1431-8
87. Calcineurin inhibitor toxicity in renal allografts: morphologic clues from protocol biopsies. Sharma A, Jain S, Gupta R, Guleria S, Agarwal S, Dinda A. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2010 Oct-Dec;53(4):651-7
88. Risk factors for the development of new-onset diabetes mellitus in a living related renal transplant program. Bora GS, Guleria S, Reddy VS, Tandon N, Gupta N, Gupta S, Bhowmik D. Transplant Proc. 2010 Dec;42(10):4072-3
89. Live Related donors in India : Their Quality of life using world health organisation quality of life brief questionnaire. Sunil K Vemuru Reddy, Sandeep Guleria, Okidi Okechukwu, Rajesh Sagar, Dipankar Bhowmik, Sandeep Mahajan. Indian Journal Of Urology 2011;27:25-9
90. Kidney-Paired Donation to Increase Living Donor Kidney Transplantation in India: Guidelines of Indian Society of Organ Transplantation – 2017.
Kute VB, Agarwal SK, Sahay M, Kumar A, Rathi M, Prasad N, Sharma RK, Gupta KL, Shroff S, Saxena SK, Shah PR, Modi PR, Billa V, Tripathi LK, Raju S, Bhadauria DS, Jeloka TK, Agarwal D, Krishna A, Perumalla R, Jain M, Guleria S, Rees MA.
Indian J Nephrol. 2018 Jan-Feb;28(1):1-9. doi: 10.4103/ijn.IJN_365_17
91.KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline on the Evaluation and Care of Living Kidney Donors.
Lentine KL, Kasiske BL, Levey AS, Adams PL, Alberú J, Bakr MA, Gallon L, Garvey CA, Guleria S, Li PK, Segev DL, Taler SJ, Tanabe K, Wright L, Zeier MG, Cheung M, Garg AX.
Transplantation. 2017 Aug;101(8S Suppl 1):S1-S109. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000001769
92.Summary of Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guideline on the Evaluation and Care of Living Kidney Donors.
Lentine KL, Kasiske BL, Levey AS, Adams PL, Alberú J, Bakr MA, Gallon L, Garvey CA, Guleria S, Li PK, Segev DL, Taler SJ, Tanabe K, Wright L, Zeier MG, Cheung M, Garg AX.
Transplantation. 2017 Aug;101(8):1783-1792. doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000001770. Review
93 Comparative study of laparoscopic and mini-incision open donor nephrectomy: have we heard the last word in the debate?
Yadav K, Aggarwal S, Guleria S, Kumar R.
Clin Transplant. 2016 Mar;30(3):328-34. doi: 10.1111/ctr.12700. Epub 2016 Feb 8
94.Endourological management of live donors with urolithiasis at the time of donor nephrectomy: a single center experience.
Pushkar P, Agarwal A, Kumar S, Guleria S.
Int Urol Nephrol. 2015 Jul;47(7):1123-7. doi: 10.1007/s11255-015-1007-z. Epub 2015 May 19.
95. Expanding the living renal donor pool by using a horseshoe kidney.
Kumar S, Agarwal DK, Guleria S, Pushkar P.
Indian J Nephrol. 2015 Mar-Apr;25(2):124-5. doi: 10.4103/0971-4065.148306. No abstract available.
96.Experience of 100 solid organ transplants over a five-yr period from the first successful pediatric multi-organ transplant program in India.
Sibal A, Malhotra S, Guru FR, Bhatia V, Kapoor A, Seth S, Jerath N, Jasuja S, Rajkumari V, Wadhawan M, Aggarwal DK, Guleria S, Shrivastava RN, Gupta S.
Pediatr Transplant. 2014 Nov;18(7):740-5. doi: 10.1111/petr.12324. Epub 2014 Aug 4
97. Renal transplantation in a child with thrombosed inferior vena cava.
Kumar S, Rathore Y, Guleria S, Bansal VK.
Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2014 Mar;25(2):367-9
98.Leak from the surface of a decapsulated renal allograft: urine or lymph? Excellent response to povidone iodine instillation.
Yashwant R, Guleria S, Khattar N, Kumar R, Kumar S.
Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2014 Jan;25(1):105-8
99.Primary leiomyosarcoma of the juxtarenal inferior vena cava: a case report.
Kumar S, Kumar A, Guleria S.
Indian J Surg. 2013 Jun;75(Suppl 1):313-5. doi: 10.1007/s12262-012-0634-1. Epub 2012 Jul 12
100.A kink in transplantation: a rare cause of early graft dysfunction.
Reddy VS, Guleria S, Abdullah SM, Bansal R.
Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2013 Sep;24(5):965-8.
101.The short-term impact of protocol biopsies in a live-related renal transplant program using tacrolimus based immunosuppression.
Guleria S, Jain S, Dinda AK, Mahajan S, Gupta S, Mehra NK.
Indian J Nephrol. 2013 Jul;23(4):253-8. doi: 10.4103/0971-4065.114474
102.Hepatorenal bypass using autogenous, free internal iliac artery graft: An attractive alternative to revascularize the right kidney in Takayasu’s disease.
Khattar N, Guleria S, Sharma S.
Indian J Urol. 2012 Apr;28(2):199-201. doi: 10.4103/0970-1591.9846
103.The quality of life of women volunteering as live-related kidney donors in India.
Guleria S, Reddy VS, Bora GS, Sagar R, Bhowmik D, Mahajan S.
Natl Med J India. 2011 Nov-Dec;24(6):342-4
104.Port site tuberculosis: a case report and review of literature.
Gupta P, Guleria S, Mathur SR, Ghosh R.
Indian J Tuberc. 2012 Jan;59(1):32-5. Review
105.Donors with renal artery stenosis: fit to donate.
Reddy VS, Guleria S, Bora GS.
Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2012 May;23(3):577-80
106.Analysis of urine sediment for cytology and antigen expression in acute renal allograft rejection: an alternative to renal biopsy.
Chatterjee P, Mathur SR, Dinda AK, Guleria S, Mahajan S, Iyer VK, Arora VK.
Am J Clin Pathol. 2012 May;137(5):816-24. doi: 10.1309/AJCPQFZ0GELH5ZPN
107.A pilot study on area under curve of mycophenolic acid as a guide for its optimal use in renal transplant recipients.
Sarangi SC, Reeta KH, Agarwal SK, Kaleekal T, Guleria S, Gupta YK.
Indian J Med Res. 2012;135:84-91
108.Frequency of T cell expressing Th1 and Th2 associated chemokine receptor in patients with renal allograft dysfunction.
Saxena A, Panigrahi A, Gupta S, Dinda AK, Guleria S, Thakur B, Mitra DK.
Transplant Proc. 2012 Jan;44(1):290-5. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2011.12.047.
109.Mediastinal haematoma: a rare complication following insertion of central venous catheter.
Gupta P, Guleria S, Sharma S.
Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2011 Oct-Dec;53(4):225-8. Review.
110.Role of endoscopic ultrasound guided FNAC in diagnosis of pancreatic TB presenting as mass lesion: a case report and review of literature.
Gupta P, Guleria S, Agarwal S.
Indian J Tuberc. 2011 Jul;58(3):120-4. Review.
111.Vascular access surgery: excellent success rates with the use of a vascular dilator.
Lohani K, Guleria S, Reddy VS.
Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2011 Jul;22(4):802-4. No abstract available
112.A page in transplantation.
Okechukwu O, Reddy S, Guleria S.
Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2011 Jul;22(4):796-8. No abstract available
113.Live related donors in India: Their quality of life using world health organization quality of life brief questionnaire.
Vemuru Reddy SK, Guleria S, Okechukwu O, Sagar R, Bhowmik D, Mahajan S.
Indian J Urol. 2011 Jan;27(1):25-9. doi: 10.4103/0970-159
b) Chapters in Books and Monographs:
1. Guleria S.“Vesicoureteric Reflux in renal transplant reciepients” in Current Trends in Nephrology 1994. Editor Dr. SK Agarwal published by Delhi Nephrology Society
2. Guleria S“ Cadaver Renal transplant : Initial problems and results” in Current Trends in Nephrology 1995 Editor Dr R. Agarwal
3. Guleria S“Haematuria” in Medical Emergencies in clinical practice .Editor Dr. Ashok Grover published by Indian Medical Association 1995
4. Guleria S“Haematuria” in Medical Emergencies in clinical practice .Editor Dr. Ashok Grover Vinay Agarwal , Prakash Gera and Rajiv Gupta published by M M Health Care Pvt. Ltd.
5. Guleria S. “Cancer Breast” in The Female Breast Edited by Neera Agarwal and A Suneja and published by Jaypee brothers 2000.
6. Chapter on “Inguino scrotal Swellings” in Textbook of Family Medicine edited by
Dr S. A. Rhaj,Dr A.Grover, Dr V. Aggarwal and Dr Sharda Jain and published by
Pushpanjali Medical Publications ,Vikas Marg New Delhi
8 . Chapter on AnoRectal Disease in Textbook of Family Medicine edited by Dr S. A.
Rhaj,Dr A.Grover, Dr V. Aggarwal and Dr Sharda Jain and published by Pushpanjali
Medical Publications ,Vikas Marg New Delhi.
9. Chapter on “Transplantation” in Essentials of surgery by Dr Sunil Chumber and
published by Jaypee Brothers.New Delhi
10. Chapter on “Lymphatics and Lymph nodes” in Essentials of surgery by Dr Sunil
Chumber and published by Jaypee Brothers.New Delhi
11. Chapter on “Arteries ” in Essentials of surgery by Dr Sunil Chumber and published
by Jaypee Brothers.New Delhi
12. Chapter on Pediatric Renal transplantation with Dr A Bagga in Pediatric Oncology :
Surgical and Medical aspects. Editors : Devinder K Gupta and Robert Carachi Published by Jaypee Brothere