Dr. Shailesh Talati
35 Years of Experience
K D Hospital , Ahmedabad
Dr.Sahilesh Talati is a well experienced consultant Oncologists & haematologists at KD Hospital Ahmedabad. The work experience of the doctor is 37 Years in this field. Dr.Shailesh has a core interest in Sarcoma, Myeloma & Lung Cancer made him visit Royal Free Hospital, London for further advanced training. He is an excellent professor in Oncology and an inspiring individual to work with. Dr.Shailesh Talati made instrumental standardization of the F.N.A.C procedure for lung cancer at GCRI, Ahmedabad, which further has been accepted as diagnostic method for Lung Cancer.
Dr. Shailesh Talati’s Speciality
Bone Marrow Transplantation
Autologous Transplant
Allogenic Transplant
Blood Cancer Treatment
Haplo Transplants (Half Matched Transplants
Unrelated (Full Matched Bone maroow Transplants)