Dr. Stalin Ramprakash
Consultant - Paediatric Haematology, Oncology & BMT
MBBS, MD (Paediatrics), MRCPCH, CCT (UK), FRCPCH
Paediatric Haematology Oncology and Stem cell transplant
Aster CMI Bangalore, Aster Whitefield Bangalore, Aster RV Bangalore
Dr. Stalin Ramprakash is an experienced and dynamic consultant who provides high-quality comprehensive care for children with cancer and blood-related problemsat the best pediatric oncology hospital in, Bangalore. He completed his paediatric training in Madras Medical College and pursued further training in the United Kingdom. He completed paediatric training in various London Hospitals and underwent paediatric haematology oncology training in world-renowned institutions such as Royal Marsden Hospital, London and Great Ormond Street Hospital, London. He worked as a consultant paediatrician with an interest in Paediatric Haematology and Oncology for 5 years before returning back to India. His aim is to provide safe, evidence-based high-quality care at affordable costs in India.
Dr. Stalin Ramprakash did his MBBS in 1996 from Madurai Medical College, Madurai, India, MD Paediatrics – 2000 - Institute of Child Health and Hospital for children Madras Medical College, Chennai, India, MRCPCH – 2002, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, UK, CCT (UK) – 2009 Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board, UK and FRCPCH - 2011 Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, UK.
Area of expertise
• Paediatric Haematology
• Paediatric Oncology
• Bone Marrow Transplant
Awards and recognitions
• College tutor in Royal college of paediatrics and child health
• Invited speaker in many national and International meetings
• Fellowship in Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
• American Society of Haematology
• Member of Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP)
• Paediatric Haematology Oncology Chapter of IAP
• Indian Society for Primary Immune Deficiency
Papers Published
Over 50 research articles on national and international journals
1. Clinical, Immunological and Molecular Features of Severe Combined Immune Deficiency: A Multi-Institutional Experience from India
Vignesh P, Rawat A, Kumrah R, Singh A, Gummadi A, Sharma M, Kaur A, Nameirakpam J, Jindal A, Suri D, Gupta A, Khadwal A, Saikia B, Minz RW, Sharma K, Desai M, Taur P, Gowri V, Pandrowala A, Dalvi A, Jodhawat N, Kambli P, Madkaikar MR, Bhattad S, Ramprakash S, CP R, Jayaram A, Sivasankaran M, Munirathnam D, Balaji S, Rajendran A, Aggarwal A, Singh K, Na F, George B, Mehta A, Lashkari HP, Uppuluri R, Raj R, Bartakke S, Gupta K, Sreedharanunni S, Ogura Y, Kato T, Imai K, Chan KW, Leung D, Ohara O, Nonoyama S, Hershfield M, Lau Y-L and Singh S
Frontier of Immunology. 2021 Feb 8;11:619146. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.619146
2. Successful Haploidentical Transplant Using Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide in a Child with Chronic Granulomatous Disease-First Report from the Indian Subcontinent.
Bhattad S, Raghuram CP, Porta F, Ramprakash S.
Journal of Clinical Immunology. 2021 Jan 20. doi: 10.1007/s10875-020-00951-y. PMID: 33471233
3. Clinical and Genetic Spectrum of a Large Cohort of Patients With Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency Type 1 and 3: A Multicentric Study From India.
Kambli PM, Bargir UA, Yadav RM, Gupta MR, Dalvi AD, Hule G, Kelkar M, Sawant-Desai S, Setia P, Jodhawat N, Nambiar N, Dhawale A, Gaikwad P, Shinde S, Taur P, Gowri V, Pandrowala A, Gupta A, Joshi V, Sharma M, Arora K, Pilania RK, Chaudhary H, Agarwal A, Katiyar S, Bhattad S, Ramprakash S, Cp R, Jayaram A, Gornale V, Raj R, Uppuluri R, Sivasankaran M, Munirathnam D, Lashkari HP, Kalra M, Sachdeva A, Sharma A, Balaji S, Govindraj GM, Karande S, Nanavati R, Manglani M, Subramanyam G, Sampagar A, Ck I, Gutha P, Kanakia S, Mundada SP, Krishna V, Nampoothiri S, Nemani S, Rawat A, Desai M, Madkaikar M.
Frontiers of Immunology 2020 Dec 16;11:612703. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.612703. PMID: 33391282; PMCID: PMC7772426.
4. Setting up and sustaining blood and marrow transplant services for children in middle-income economies: an experience-driven position paper on behalf of the EBMT PDWP
Lawrence Faulkner, Marta Verna, Attilio Rovelli, Rajat Kumar Agarwal, Rakesh Dhanya, Lalith Parmar, Amit Sedai, Ankita Kumari, Stalin Ramprakash, C P Raghuram, Pallavi Mehta, Sandeep Elizabeth, Sadaf Khalid, Aliya Batool, Sarah Khan Ghilani, Itrat Fatima, Tatheer Zara, Priya Marwah, Rajpreet Soni, Deepa Trivedi, Valentino Conter, Marta Canesi, Dosti Othman, Vian Faeq, Katharina Kleinschmidt, Akif Yesillipek, Catherine G Lam, Scott C Howard, Selim Corbacioglu, Pediatric Diseases Working Party of the European Blood and Marrow Transplantation Group
Bone Marrow Transplantation 2020 Sep 7.doi: 10.1038/s41409-020-0983-5.
5. Splenomegaly may increase the risk of rejection in low risk matched related donor transplant for thalassemia and this risk can be partially overcome by additional immunosuppression during conditioning
Stalin Ramprakash, C P Raghuram, Priya Marwah, Rajpreet Soni, Deepa Trivedi, Sadaf Khalid, Naila Yaqub, Fatima Itrat, Sarah Khan Gilani, Tatheer Zahra, Rakesh Dhanya, Rajat Kumar Agarwal, Lawrence Faulkner
Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. Jun 2020;S1083-8791(20)30368-2. doi:10.1016/j.bbmt.2020.06.013
6. Life expectancy and risk factors for early death in patients with severe thalassemia syndromes in South India
Rakesh Dhanya, Amit Sedai, Kumari Ankita, Lalith Parmar, Rajat Kumar Agarwal, Santhosh Hegde, Gayathri Ramaswami, Ashwini Gowda, S. Girija, Pooja Gujjal, H. Pushpa, J. Dasaratha Ramaiah, Chandrakala Karri, Sujata Jali, Neelavva Rayappa Tallur, U. V. Shenoy, Diana Pinto, Stalin Ramprakash, C. P. Raghuram, Deepa Trivedi, Xueyuan Cao, Lawrence Faulkner
Blood Advances. 2020 Apr 14; 4(7): 1448–1457.
7. The impact of Host vs. Graft mismatches on the rejection of haploidentical bone marrow transplants in thalassemia patients using post-transplant cyclophosphamide
Marwah P, Soni R, Ramprakash S, Raghuram CP, Trivedi D, Kumar Agarwal R, Dhanya R, Sedai A, Kumari A, Parmar L, Faulkner L.
Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2019 Sep 30. doi: 10.1038/s41409-019-0692-0
8. Information Technology-Assisted Treatment Planning and Performance Assessment for Severe Thalassemia Care in a resource-limited setting
Rajat Kumar Agarwal, Amit Sedai, Kumari Ankita, Lalith Parmar, Rakesh Dhanya, Sunil Dhimal, Dr Reshma Shriniwas, Ashwini Gowda, Dr Pooja Gujjal, Puspa H, Dr. Suman Jain, Dr. Dasaratha Ramaiah, Dr Sujata Jali, Neelavva Rayappa Tallur, Dr Stalin Ramprakash, Dr Lawrence Faulkner
JMIR Med Informatics 2019;7(1):e9291 doi:10.2196/medinform.9291
9. Low-cost matched sibling bone marrow transplant for standard-risk thalassemia in a limited-resource setting
Stalin Ramprakash, Rajat Agarwal, Rakesh Dhanya, Priya Marwah, Rajpreet Soni, Naila Yaqub, Itrat Fatima, Tatheer Zhara, Lallindra Gooneratne, Senani Williams, Sadaf Khalid, Santanu Sen, Vikramjit Kanwar, Lawrence Faulkner
Pediatric Haematology Oncology Journal 65 DOI: 10.1016/j.phoj.2017.12.002
10. Multi-institutional, retrospective review of blood transfusion practices and outcomes in a large cohort of thalassemia patients in South India
Rajat Kumar Agarwal, Amit Sedai, Kumari Ankita, Lalith Parmar, Rakesh Dhanya, Sunil Dhimal, Dr Reshma Shriniwas, Dr Sumithra P, Dr Hemanth V Iyer, Ashwini Gowda, Dr Pooja Gujjal, Dr Pradeep R, Pushpa H, Dr Suman Jain, Dr Saroja Kondaveeti, Dr J. Dasaratha Ramaiah, Dr Raviteja, Dr Hariharanatha Sharma, Dr Sujata Jali, Shrikant Viragi, Dr Shreedevi Bobati, Neelavva Rayappa Tallur, Dr Stalin Ramprakash, Dr Lawrence Faulkner
Pediatric Haematology Oncology Journal 64, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phoj.2017.12.001
11. Rejection of paternal vs maternal fully matched bone marrow grafts in children with thalassemia
Ramprakash S, Agarwal RK, Dhanya R, Sedai A, Kumari A, Parmar L, Srinivas R, Kakulamari VR, Marwah P, Soni R, Williams S, Rathnayake W, Sen S, Tulpule S, Faulkner L.
Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2017 Sep 18. doi: 10.1038/bmt.2017.199. PMID: 28920948
12. ATG vs thiotepa with busulfan and cyclophosphamide in matched-related bone marrow transplantation for thalassemia
Lawrence Faulkner, Cornelio Uderzo, Sadaf Khalid, Priya Marwah, Rajpreet Soni, Naila Yaqub, Samina Amanat, Itrat Fatima, SarahKhan Gilani, Tatheer Zahra, Stalin Ramprakash, Lallindra Gooneratne, Ruwangi Dissanayake, Senani Williams, Wasantha Rathnayake, Reshma Srinivas, Amit Sedai, Ankita Kumari, Lailith Parmar, Rakesh Dhanya and Rajat Kumar Agarwal
Blood Advances 2017 1:792-801; doi: https://doi.org/10.1182/bloodadvances.2016004119
13. Variation in Transfusion Requirements Among Children With Thalassemia on Regular Transfusion Programs: Which Formula Closely Predicts the Actual Requirements?
Cornell N1, Eisenhut M, Ramprakash S.
Journal of Pediatric Hematololgy Oncololgy. 2017 Jan 5. doi: 10.109
14. Juvenile fibromyalgia in an adolescent patient with sickle cell disease presenting with chronic pain.
Ramprakash S, Fishman D.
BMJ Case Reoports 2015. doi:10.1136/bcr-2015-211850
Published Abstracts
• Survey of Transplant Associated Macrophage Activation Syndrome (TAMAS) Following Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Children and Young Adults
Petr Sedlacek, Cristina Diaz de Heredia, Akif Yesilipek, Pietro Merli, Priya Marwah, Stalin Ramprakash, Giorgio Ottaviano, Selim Corbacioglu
46th Annual Meeting of the EBMT (Virtual) , Madrid, 29th Aug -1st Sep 2020
Bone Marrow Transplantation (2020) 55:22–174 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41409-020-01119-3
• Haplo-identical transplant using Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide (PTCy) in children with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency - a tertiary care centre experience from South India
Stalin Ramprakash, Raghuram C P, Fulvio Porta, Sagar Bhattad
46th Annual Meeting of the EBMT (Virtual) , Madrid, 29th Aug -1st Sep 2020
Bone Marrow Transplantation (2020) 55:181–714https://doi.org/10.1038/s41409-020-01120-w
• HLA set-up is a major predictor of engraftment in Haplo-identical transplant for severe thalassemia (ST) using post-Cyclophosphamide (PTCy)
Stalin Ramprakash, C P Raghuram, Pallavi Mehta, Paula Tacia, Priya Mawah, Rajpreet Soni, Deepa Trivedi, Vaibhav Shah, Rakesh Dhanya, Rajat Kumar Agarwal, Lawrence Faulkner
46th Annual Meeting of the EBMT (Virtual) , Madrid, 29th Aug -1st Sep 2020
Bone Marrow Transplantation (2020) 55:181–714https://doi.org/10.1038/s41409-020-01120-w
• Correlation among Total Nucleated Cells (TNC), CD34+, CD3+ cell content in G-CSF-primed bone marrow collections and their relative influence on development of Acute Graft versus Host disease (aGVHD)
Stalin Ramprakash, Rajat Kumar Agarwal, C P Raghuram, Pallavi Mehta, Paula Tacia, S Sandeep,Rakesh Dhanya, Lawrence Faulkner
46th Annual Meeting of the EBMT (Virtual) , Madrid, 29th Aug -1st Sep 2020
Bone Marrow Transplantation (2020) 55:181–714https://doi.org/10.1038/s41409-020-01120-w
• Impact of Post-Transplant Immunosuppression Wean vs. Boost in Early Mixed Chimerism Following G-CSF-Primed Marrow Transplant in Thalassemic Patients
Paula Tacla, Rajat Kumar Agarwal, Rakesh Dhanya, C P Raghuram, Pallavi Mehta, Deepa Trivedi, Vaibhav Shah, Priya Marwah , Rajpreeet Soni, Sadaf Khalid, Sarah Khan Gilani, Aliya Batool, Sandeep S, Lallindra Gooneratne, Ruwangi Dissanayake, Fatima Itrat Tatheer Zahra, Lawrence Faulkner, Stalin Ramprakash
46th Annual Meeting of the EBMT (Virtual) , Madrid, 29th Aug -1st Sep 2020
Bone Marrow Transplantation (2020) 55:181–714https://doi.org/10.1038/s41409-020-01120-w
• Assessment of Mortality and Its Associated Risk Factors in Patients with Transfusion Dependent Thalassemia in India
Rakesh Dhanya, Rajat Kumar Agarwal, Amit Sedai, Ankita Kumari, Lalith Parmar, Santhosh Hegde, Gayathri ., Ashwini Gowda, Pooja Gujjal, Pushpa H, J Dasaratha Ramaiah, Chandrakala Karri, Sujata Jali, Neelavva Tallur, U V Shenoy, Diana Pinto, Stalin Ramprakash, C P Raghuram, Deepa Trivedi, Xueyuan Cao, Lawrence Faulkner;
61st ASH Annual Meeting & Exposition Nov 2019
Blood 2019; 134 (Supplement_1): 973. doi: https://doi.org/10.1182/blood-2019-125151
• Peripheral Blood to Marrow Collection White Cell Count Ratio As an Indicator of Harvest Quality and Transplant Outcomes in G-CSF-Primed Marrow Grafts
Rajat Kumar Agarwal, Rakesh Dhanya, Stalin Ramprakash, C P Raghuram, Pallavi Mehta, Deepa Trivedi, Shruthi Jayapal, Sandeep S, Lawrence Faulkner
61st ASH Annual Meeting & Exposition Nov 2019
Blood 2019; 134 (Supplement_1): 4473. doi: https://doi.org/10.1182/blood-2019-125111
• In-Vivo Adsorption of Iso-Haemagglutinin (IHA) Antibodies By Donor Type Red Cell Transfusion during Conditioning Is a Safe and Effective Method to Overcome Major ABO Incompatibility-Related Acute Hemolytic Reactions in Stem Cell Transplant Using Bone Marrow As Stem Cell Graft Source
Pallavi Mehta, Stalin Ramprakash, C Raghuram, Deepa Trivedi, Priya Marwah, Rajpreet Soni, Rakesh Dhanya, Rajat Kumar Agarwal, Lawrence Faulkner
61st ASH Annual Meeting & Exposition Nov 2019
Blood 2019; 134 (Supplement_1): 4467. doi: https://doi.org/10.1182/blood-2019-131118
• Incidence, Risk Factors and Outcomes of Veno-Occlusive Disease / Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome (VOD/SOS) in Children with Severe Thalassemia (ST) Conditioned with Busulfan- Cyclophosphamide (Bu-Cy) Based Regimen
Stalin Ramprakash, Rajat Kumar Agarwal, C P Raghuram, Pallavi Mehta, Deepa Trivedi, Priya Marwah, Rajpreet Soni, Rakesh Dhanya, Lawrence Faulkner
61st ASH Annual Meeting & Exposition Nov 2019
Blood 2019; 134 (Supplement_1): 4499. doi: https://doi.org/10.1182/blood-2019-130841
• Information and Communication Technology Applied to Continuing Quality Improvement for the Care and Cure of Childhood Severe Hematological Disorders in India
Rajat Kumar Agarwal, Rakesh Dhanya, Ankita Kumari, Lalith Parmar, Amit Sedai, Stalin Ramprakash, C P Raghuram, Pallavi Mehta, Deepa Trivedi, Shruthi Jayapal, Sandeep S, Lawrence Faulkner
61st ASH Annual Meeting & Exposition Nov 2019
Blood 2019; 134 (Supplement_1): 3468. doi: https://doi.org/10.1182/blood-2019-125106
• Addition of fludarabine on to anti-thymocyte globulin, busulfan and cyclophosphamide conditioning improves outcomes in low-risk matched-related bone marrow transplantation in children with severe thalassaemia
Stalin Ramprakash, Commondoor P Raghuram, Deepa Trivedi, Priya Marwah, Rajpreet Soni, Rajat Kumar Agarwal, Rakesh Dhanya, Lawrence Faulkner
Bone Marrow Transplantation volume 54, pages144–619 P 312 (2019)
• Effectiveness of hydroxyurea and supertransfusions as pre-transplant risk-reduction strategy in matched related thalassaemia transplants
Stalin Ramprakash, Jayasree Cherukat, Commondoor P Raghuram, Deepa Trivedi, Priya Marwah, Rajpreet Soni, Rajat Kumar Agarwal, Rakesh Dhanya, Lawrence Faulkner
Bone Marrow Transplantation volume 54, pages144–619 P 315 (2019)
• Non - medical challenges in the diagnosis and transplantation of patients with primary immune deficiency: An experience from a tertiary care center in India
Sagar Bhattad, Stalin Ramprakash, Raghuram CP, Chetan Ginigeri, Fulvio Porta
Bone Marrow Transplantation volume 54, pages144–619 P 380 (2019)
• PRES in BMT for thalassemia major in India: Lower incidence and limited impact
Rajat Kumar Agarwal, Priya Marwah, Rajpreet Soni, Stalin Ramprakash, C P Raghuram, Deepa Trivedi, Amit Sedai, Kumari Ankita, Lalith Parmar, Rakesh Dhanya, Lawrence Faulkner
Bone Marrow Transplantation volume 54, pages144–619 P 320 (2019)
• Impact of sibling donor-recipient sex combinations on rejection after HLA-matched bone marrow transplantation for severe thalassemia
Enam Bankas, Rajat Agarwal, Rakesh Dhanya, Lalith Parmar, Amit Sedai, Ankita Kumari, Sadaf Khali, Stalin Ramprakash, Priya Marwah, Rajpreet Soni, Naila Yaqub, Fatima Itrat, Sarah Gilani, Tatheer Zahra, Lallindra Gooneratne, Ruwangi Dissanayake, Senani Williams, Wasantha Rathnayake, Santanu Sen, Sameer Tulpule, Lawrence Faulkner
Bone Marrow Transplantation volume 54, pages144–619 P 665 (2019)
• Host Vs. Graft Mismatches May Impact on Rejection of Haploidentical Bone Marrow Transplants in Thalassemia Patients Using Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide
Priya Marwah, Rajpreet Soni, Stalin Ramprakash, Neema Bhat, C P Raghuram, Rajat Kumar Agarwal, Rakesh Dhanya, Amit Sedai, Ankita Kumari, Lalith Parmar and Lawrence Faulkner
Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 25(3) March 2019 DOI: 10.1016/j.bbmt.2018.12.115
• Splenomegaly May Increase Rejection Rates in Matched-Related Transplants for Thalassemia, This Effect Is Mitigated by Additional Immunosuppression
Stalin Ramprakash, Neema Bhat, C P Raghuram, Deepa Trivedi, Shaileshkumar Lavana, Priya Marwah, Rajpreet Soni, Rajat Kumar Agarwal, Rakesh Dhanya, Lawrence Faulkner
Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation 25(3) March 2019 DOI: 10.1016/j.bbmt.2018.12.170
• Prevalence of gut colonization by Muti-Drug resistant bacteria among children with thalassemia at admission for bone marrow transplant in two transplant centers in India
Stalin Ramprakash, Neema Bhat, C.P. Raghuram, Deepa Trivedi, Shailesh Lavana, Rajat Agarwal, Lawrence Faulkner.
Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal 3 (2018) S7
• Dengue Infection: Varying Presentations, Clinical Severity and HLH In Thalassemia Patients Post Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant
Neema Bhat, Stalin Ramprakash, Lawrence Faulkner.
Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal 3 (2018) S7
• Safety And Cost Effectiveness Of Removal Of Tunnelled Hickman Line Under Local Anaesthesia Vs Short General Anaesthesia
Geetha Priya, Sandeep, Remya, Kuldeep Divya, Sai Prasad, Neema Bhat, Deepa Trivedi, Shailesh Lavana, Amit Chitailya, Rajat Agarwal, Stalin Ramprakash.
Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal 3 (2018) S7
• Patterns of central line infections in two bone marrow transplant units in India among children undergoing allogeneic transplant for thalassaemia
Sandeep, Geetha Priya, Sai Prasad, Neema Bhat, Deepa Trivedi, Shailesh Lavana, Amit Chitailya, Rajat Agarwal, Stalin Ramprakash.
Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal 3 (2018) S7
• Impact of Splenomegaly on Outcomes of Fully Matched Sibling Bone Marrow Transplant Among Children with Low Risk Thalassemia
Stalin Ramprakash, Rajat Agarwal, Rakesh Dhanya, Priya Marwah, Rajpreet Soni, Naila Yaqub, Fatima Itrat, Lallindra Gooneratne, Senani Williams, Sadaf Khalid, Santanu Sen and Lawrence Faulkner.
Blood 2017 130:1944;
• Role of G-CSF priming of donor marrow prior to transplant in low risk HLA matched sibling transplant in children with severe thalassemia
Stalin Ramprakash, Rajat Agarwal, Rakesh Dhanya, Priya Marwah, Rajpreet Soni, Naila Yaqub, Fatima Itrat, Lallindra Gooneratne, Senani Williams, Sadaf Khalid, Santanu Sen and Lawrence Faulkner
• Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) masquerading as unresponsive candidiasis in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in post-induction phase
Stalin Ramprakash, Supraja Chandrashekar, Shalini Sharma
• Variation in Transfusion requirements among children with thalassaemia on regular transfusion programmes
N Cornell, M Eisenhut, S Ramprakash. Paediatric Department, Luton and Dunstable NHS Foundation Trust, Luton, UK
DOI: 10.1136/archdischild-2016-310863.16
• Obesity: a diagnostic dilemma
Jasjit Kaur Bhandari, Stalin Ramprakash, Karen Reep & Nisha Nathwani, Department of Paediatrics, Luton and Dunstable Hospital, Luton,
Endocrine Abstracts (2015) 39 EP93 | DOI:10.1530/endoabs.39.EP93
• Cost effectiveness of Hydroxyurea therapy in preventing inpatient admissions due to vaso-occlusive crisis in sickle cell children – A district general hospital experience
S Ramprakash, E Roantree, K Willis. Department of Paediatrics, Luton and Dunstable Hospital, Luton, UK
• Survey of management of iron deficiency anaemia in children with inflammatory bowel disease in the UK
S Ramprakash, A Modi. Department of Paediatrics, Luton and Dunstable Hospital, Luton, UK
• Systemic haemodynamics in the immediate post liver transplantation period in children using ultrasound cardiac output monitoring
S Ramprakash, E Egberongbe, A Dhawan, N Heaton, A Deep.
Paediatric critical care Med 2011 Vol.12, No.3 (suppl) page A31. Abstract 172
Papers presented in Learned Societies
• Haplo-identical transplant using Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide (PTCy) in children with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency - a tertiary care centre experience from South India
Stalin Ramprakash, Raghuram C P, Fulvio Porta, Sagar Bhattad
3rd Scientific Congress of ASPID (Asia Pacific Society of Immunodeficiency), Chandigarh 8th & 9th Feb 2020
• Non - medical challenges in the diagnosis and transplantation of patients with Primary Immune Deficiency – An experience from a tertiary care center in India
Sagar Bhattad, Stalin Ramprakash, Raghuram, Chetan Ginigeri, Fulvio Porta
Focussed meeting of the European society for Immunodeficiencies, Brussels, 18th -21st September 2019
• Profile of Primary Immune Deficiencies at Bangalore, India – A multi-centric experience
Sagar Bhattad, Stalin Ramprakash, Raghuram CP, Chetan Ginigeri, Chitra Dinakar, Sushma K, Benzeeta Pinto, Jagadish Chinnappa, Bhaskar Shenoy, Basavaraj GV, Fulvio Porta
5th International Conference on Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases, , The Leela, Mumbai 9th -11th March 2019.
• A case Report of Hepatic Veno-occlusive disease with Immunodeficiency (VODI) with a novel mutation in SP110 gene
Stalin Ramprakash, Chetan Ginigeri, Harish Kumar, Sagar Bhattad
4th National Conference on Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases, Jaipur,10-11 th Mar 2018
• Mycobacterium tuberculosis of lungs presenting as persistent fever in a young boy with
X-linked Hyper IgM syndrome
Stalin Ramprakash1, Sunil Kumar, Chetan Ginigeri, Sagar Bhattad
4th National Conference on Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases, Jaipur,10-11 th Mar 2018
• 35 cases with Primary Immune Deficiency at Bangalore in one year! An outbreak or rising awareness?
Sagar Bhattad, Chetan Ginigeri, Harish Kumar, Stalin Ramprakash
4th National Conference on Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases, Jaipur,10-11 th Mar 2018
• Graft failure after low risk HLA-compatible bone marrow transplantation for severe thalassemia – when should we consider autologous back up?
Stalin Ramprakash1, Priya Marwah2, Rajpreet Soni2, Naila Yaqub3, Sadaf Khalid4, Fatima Itrat3, Lallindra Gooneratne5, Senani Williams6, Santanu Sen7, and Lawrence Faulkner1,2,4
Asia Pacific Bone marrow transplant conference, Singapore, Oct 2016
• ATG vs. thiotepa in combination with Busulfan and Cyclophosphamide in matched-related bone marrow transplantation for thalassemia
Lawrence Faulkner,1-2 Cornelio Uderzo,1 Sadaf Khalid,1 Priya Marwah,3 Rajpreet Soni,3 Naila Yaqub,4 Samina Amanat,4 Fatima Itrat,4 Sarah Khan Gilani,4 Tatheer Zahra,4 Stalin Ramprakash,2 Lallindra Gooneratne,5 Ruwangi Dissanayake,5 Senani Williams,6 Wasantha Rathnayake,6 Reshma Srinivas,7 Amit Sedai,7 Ankita Kumari,7 Lailith Parmar,7 Rakesh Dayana,7 and Rajat Kumar Agarwal.7
Asia Pacific Bone marrow transplant conference, Singapore, Oct 2016
• Impact of sibling gender mismatch on rejection after HLA-compatible bone marrow transplantation for severe thalassemia
Lawrence Faulkner1-3, Rajat Agarwal2, Priya Marwah4, Rajpreet Soni4, Naila Yaqub5, Samina Amanat5, Fatima Itrat5, Sarah Khan Gilani5, Tatheer Zahra5, Stalin Ramprakash3, Lallindra Gooneratne6, Ruwangi Dissanayake6, Senani Williams7, Wasantha Rathnayake7, Santanu Sen8, Sameer Tulpule8 and Sadaf Khalid1.
Asia Pacific Bone marrow transplant conference, Singapore, Oct 2016
• Does heart rate reliably increase with severe pain among children admitted with acute sickle pain crisis? – Single centre retrospective study
Stalin Ramprakash, Michael Eisenhut
3rd Midterm Conference Paediatric Haematology Oncology, Hyderabad Jul 2016
• Case study of fibrotic cystic disease in a neonate following miliary Tuberculosis
Paediatic Intensive Care Society Glasgow 2006.
• Clinical presentation of focal seizures of recent onset in children
Stalin.R, Rex sargunam.C.S, Krishnakumari.V.S
37th National Conference of Indian AcademyOf Paediatrics, Hyderabad, India Jan 2000